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Open Access Peer-reviewed
Journal Publishing house
for Researchers

Call for Paper
Online Submission

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ISSN :2349-4867

welcome to TIJR

Call For Paper

We invite you to submit high quality papers for review and possible publication in all the areas of Physical Research and Education. All authores must agree on the content of the menuscript and its submission for publication in this journal before it is submitted to us. All the menuscripts submitted for publication are first peer reviewed to make sure they are origional, relevent and readable. Menuscripts should be submitted via Online Submission only.

Aim & Scope

Times International Journal of Research (TIJR) is a refereed international journals to be of interest and use to all those concerned with research in various fields of, or closely related to, Physical Science Education disciplines. TIJR aims to provide a highly readable and valuable addition to the literature which will serve as an indispensable reference tool for years to come.

How to Publish Paper

High-quality submissions to this new journal are welcome now and manuscripts may be either submit paper online or via direct mail. For online submission upload one copy of the full paper including graphics and all figures by clicking Paper Submission button which is on website, or also can direct mail us on submission@tijr.net. The manuscript must be written in MS Word Format.

About TIJR

Times International Journal of Research is an Open Access Peer-reviewed Journal Publishing house. We work with researchers, academia and scholars working with various esteemed institutions and research organizations.

TIJR Journals was started with a mission to provide a strong, online publishing platform that helps the advancement of research all across the globe. TIJR Journals is working hard towards bringing out excellent quality research papers, those that enhance the way that we currently look at our world. All of our journals are peer reviewed by esteemed scholars from various prestigious research institutions.

The articles published in our journals can be accessed online through the Open Access Policy.

  • Dr. Mohan Lal Director/Founder of TIJR

    Times International Journal of Research is a open access community for publishing research. TIJR Journals is working hard towards bringing out excellent quality research papers, those that enhance the way that we currently look at our world.

Recent Publication

some of our research has done earlier by our editors

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